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About Us

Our organization was started in April of 2009. Our original mission was to help any and all Wisconsin animal rescues and shelters in need by donating things such as pet food, blankets, towels, cleaning supplies, or anything else that they needed to care for the animals that came through their doors. As we began this mission however, we started to receive requests from individuals in our community who were struggling to care for their beloved animals due to an unforeseen event in their lives.  So, now our mission has become two-fold and we are happy to help any animal in need!


Our ultimate goal is to someday have a facility where rescues, shelters and individuals can visit and receive help to care for their animals, at no cost to them.  Kind of like a "club store for animals”, only the membership would be free and you wouldn’t have to pay for anything.  All items would be donated and shared with all!

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